Business Office
Office of Business and Finance
Welcome to the Office of Business and Finance of Middle Tennessee State University. We provide a wide range of financial services that support and assist in the creation of a strong fiscal environment for the University, Including accounting, banking, merchant services, student accounts, debt management, and risk management. Support services are also provided in the areas of athletics, auxiliaries and Foundation accounting.
We hope you will find the information you need on these pages. Our intent is to provide you with an information resource to assist with your daily operating needs. If you should need assistance, please visit our Staff page for contact information and we’ll be glad to help you.
The Office of Business and Finance and Accounting Services are located on the first floor of the Cope Administration Building.
The Bursar’s Office is located on the second floor of the Student Services and Admissions Center.
The Athletic Business Office is located in Murphy Center.
The Foundation Business Office is located in the Cope Administration Building.
If you have suggestions on how to improve this site, please take a moment to let us know.

Contact Information
Cope Administration Building,
Room #103
Middle Tennessee State University
Murfreesboro, TN 37132