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Travel Dynamic Forms

In order to have travel expenses paid, the traveling party must submit a Travel Authorization Request form prior to the date of travel. Once travel has been authorized, the trip may be taken as laid out on the Travel Authorization form by the traveling party. After the trip has been completed, a Travel Expense Claim form must be completed.

A Travel Authorization Request form must be completed and authorized by the appropriate approving parties before travel can take place. The document originator should attach all information and supporting documentation that is necessary as per Policy 658. This serves as instructions for submitting a Travel Authorization Request form.

  1. Give Payee Last Name, First Name, M-Number, and a phone number to contact. The payee is the person who will be traveling and receiving reimbursement from the University. If this is not you, please list the person who will be receiving money from the University and note that you are not the Traveler in the field given below and give the information requested.
  2. You should know how many approvers are necessary to approve your travel. If you do not know how many approvers you need for the proposed travel, you should talk to your supervisor/department head. Once you have been given the number of approvers, you will list each approver’s first and last name and their Email.
  3. Give a detailed description of the purpose of the trip as well as any special handling instructions that are needed.
  4. Attach ONE PDF file containing all supporting documentation. You can combine PDF files for free using free Adobe software here.
    • A W-9 should be attached here if necessary
  5. Give your department name, travel type, and travel reason
  6. Give the travel destination and the begin and end dates of the trip
  7. You should give an accurate estimation of travel expenses to the best of your ability. In this section, you will see a column that says “University Paid” and “Reimbursable.” Please only put expenses in the “University Paid” column if expenses have been/will be paid directly by the University. Expenses are only reimbursable if the traveler pays an expense out of pocket and that expense is in alignment with Travel Policy 658.
  8. After estimating the total expenses, you should give the index and account numbers that will be paying for this trip along with the amount that each account is expected to be responsible for.
  9. Give the number of employees that should be sent a final copy of the Travel Authorization. PLEASE NOTE: This is for the form originators reference only. Once travel has been authorized, the originator will receive the final copy of the form that they will need to distribute as needed.
  10. If you require an advance for group or international travel only, then give the amount needed and the date needed. In order to  receive an advance of funds you must attach a list of those who will be traveling for group travel.
    • If you do not submit a timely travel claim form on completion of travel, you are subject to having those funds withheld from your paycheck or encumbered on your record

Once you have completed the Travel Authorization Request Form, you should confirm that all information is correct. Once you have confirmed that all information is correct, click the “Next” button at the bottom of the form. You will be prompted to provide an e-Signature. Once the form has been submitted, you should expect a response to the form (either Authorization or request for revisions) within a week. Once your form has been authorized, you will receive the finalized form. You must save this form as you will need the information on the form in order to claim expenses once the travel has been completed.

  • Registration Fees: Conference registration fees are able to be paid in full by the university for university approved trips given proper documentation.
  • Rental Transportation: Estimate expenses for rental transportation. Payments to Enterprise are eligible to be paid by the University directly. 
  • Airfare: Flights booked through Short’s Travel (Athletics Only) or Travelennium are eligible to be paid up front by the University. Flights booked elsewhere must be reimbursed after travel has taken place.

Once travel has been completed, you must submit a Travel Expenses Claim Form. In order to complete this form, you must have itemized receipts for purchases made during travel, the approved Travel Authorization, screenshots of ground travel documentation, etc.

The following are instructions on how to complete the Travel Expenses Claim Form:

  1. Give Payee Last Name, First Name, M-Number, and a phone number to contact. The payee is the person who will be traveling and receiving reimbursement from the University. If this is not you, please list the person who will be receiving money from the University and note that you are not the Travel Claimant in the field given below and give the information requested.
  2. Give the claimant address, city, state, and zip code
  3. Give the number of approvers and give the information required for each approver once prompted. Approvers are likely the same as the Travel Authorization Form, if you have questions about approvers, please ask your supervisor.
  4. Give any special instructions or extra information needed in the “Special Handling Instruction”
  5. Attach a PDF detailing the payments made throughout the course of travel. This includes itemized receipts for purchases made during travel, the approved Travel Authorization, screenshots of ground travel documentation, etc.
  6. If the Travel Claimant is not MTSU personnel, a W-9 may be required.
  7. Give the Travel Authorization Number that was given on the authorized Travel Authorization Request form.
  8. Give the Indices, Accounts, and Amounts for each individual combination of Index and Account. List all individual Indices and Accounts paying for this travel in the format “Index-Account-Amount” (example: “262100-73210-$50.00”). You can find a list of Account Codes by hovering over the blue information bubble next to the field.
  9. State the business purpose of the travel and additional explanation as needed.
  10. Give the beginning and end date of the trip
  11. In the following fields you should list the expenses incurred for each travel destination/day of travel. The information needed for each travel day is the date, starting location, destination, personal vehicle milage, airfare, lodging cost, money being claimed for meals, parking costs, registration fees, and other expenses. If any of those categories is not applicable, then it can be left blank.
    • By default, 20 lines are given to enter all information for the trip. If more are needed, then it can be extended using the “Number of Fields Needed” dropdown box above.
    • If something is deemed as “Other” in the expenses incurred, then an explanation should be given in the “Explanation of Other expenses” field.
  12. The gross total of the travel will be calculated below. In the fields below the Gross Travel Total, you must give the amount given via a travel advance, the amount paid directly by the University, and the amount paid using P-Card (the receipts must be attached above). Once you have given that information, the Balance Due to the Claimant will be calculated below. Please review this information and confirm that this is correct.
  13. Select whether or not the claimant is a US citizen. If the claimant is not a US citizen, their country of origin should be selected from the dropdown box as prompted.
  14. Once all information has been entered and you have reviewed the information to verify it is correct, click the next button at the bottom of the page. You will be prompted to give an e-Signature.

After submitting the Travel Expenses Claim form, you will get confirmation that the form has been submitted and is awaiting review.

Contact Information



Cope Administration Building,
Room #103
Middle Tennessee State University
Murfreesboro, TN 37132